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Pretend to be a Policeman, Erwin Cabuli MTs Student

SUSPECT: Erwin was kept at the Pesanggaran Police Headquarters.
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SUSPECT: Erwin was kept at the Pesanggaran Police Headquarters.

Molesting MTs Female Students

PESANGGARAN – Erwin, 35, residents of Jatirejo Hamlet, Glagahagung Village, Purwoharjo District, who often pretend to be police, Now he has to languish in the Pesanggaran Police Headquarters detention room. He wasn't thrown into a hotel for free because he often acted as a brown-shirted officer, but because he molested Saritem (pseudonym), a female student at an MTs in Pesanggaran District.

Pesanggaran Police Chief, AKP Supriyadi, via Kanitreskrim Aiptu Sholikin said, The disclosure of this case began with the teacher's suspicions at the place where Saritem was studying. The teacher's suspicions arose because recently Saritem often daydreamed as if he was carrying a burden, and is often picked up by the perpetrator at school.

Feeling suspicious, seorang guru mencoba menanyakan kondisi sekaligus identitas pelaku yang sering menjemput dirinya. “Ketika ditanya, korban menjawab bahwa pelaku adalah orang tua angkatnya dan seorang anggota polisi,he said.

Jawaban tersebut ternyata justru menambah kecurigaan para guru. Because, orang tua kandung Saritem masih lengkap. Kecurigaan para guru itu kemudian didengar orang tua korban. “Kemudian oleh orang tua korban, pelaku dipanggil ke rumahnya," he said.

Saat datang ke rumah orang tua Saritem, pelaku mengakui bahwa belakangan memang akrab dengan korban, bahkan pernah berbuat cabul. “Jadi pelaku mengakui bahwa Saritem pernah menginap di rumah kontrakan pelaku di Desa Pesanggaran, Kecamatan Pesanggaran," he said. Atas pengakuan tersebut, orang tua Saritem langsung melapor ke Mapolsek Pesanggaran.

Tak lama setelah dilaporkan, kita lakukan penangkapan,"he said. Sholikin also stated that the perpetrator was known to the public as a member of the police. “The perpetrator never admitted to the police, but the clothes he wears every day and he behaves like a policeman. He also has a toy gun,said the Head of Criminal Investigation. (radar)

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