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The Festival of Wayang Kulit Less Fierce

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MUNCAR – Pagelaran wayang kulit semalam suntuk yang dilaksanakan dalam rangka Banyuwangi Festival (B-Fest) in the field of Untung Suropati, Temborejo village, Muncar District, people seem less interested. The wayang kulit festival, which is routinely held every year, seemed to be the quietest this time.

From the Banyuwangi Regency Government, there was an administrative assistant, development, and welfare, Wiyono, and SKPD leaders. In the shadow puppet show, most of the audience is in the seats at the front of the stage. Around the two screens that were installed on the left and right of the stage looked very quiet.

The irony, the exhibition tent that was set up in the middle of the field since the afternoon was empty. Plt. Head of Culture and Tourism Office (Disbudpar) Banyuwangi Regency, M. Yanuarto Bramuda, said the quiet shadow puppet festival was due to a lack of promotion.

"We're having a bit of trouble with promotions. That's because they are waiting for the certainty of the puppeteer who will be invited,the excuse. Selection of the puppeteer Ki Heru Gareng from Blitar, light him, it was an alternative choice because the main mastermind that was determined could not come.

"The plan is that we will invite the puppeteer Ki Enthus Susmono, but can not,” he said. Certainty of masterminds who will fill this wayang kulit festival, it's clear, it was two weeks before the event took place. And that's what makes it difficult for promotion. So that, many do not know that there is a shadow puppet performance with the play Wahyu Godho Inten.

Meanwhile, the presence of two comedians, Penthul and Giman are encouraging. Through fresh jokes, The two comedians made the audience laugh. In fact, the two artists satirized a number of arts performers in Banyuwangi who seemed to only chase sales without paying any heed to standards and ethics on stage.

"I'm the only one, I don't know how you feel (my own janger, if anyone feels so let it be),” he said while mentioning that many dance artists have fun on stage. Before the two comedians came down, administrative assistant, development, and the welfare of the Banyuwangi Regency Government, Wiyono, called to the stage to join.

On stage, Wiyono who came to represent the Regent of Banyuwangi, Abdullah Azwar Anas, it conveys the government's synergy program with the ranks of the TNI and Polri in addressing the rise of child sexual violence.

"If there is sexual violence, immediately report to the police, and will be prosecuted,said Wiyono. (radar)

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