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Become a Ramadan Tradition, Nicknamed Gadung Chips Village

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RAMADAN is a month full of blessings for the residents of Derwono Hamlet, Balak Village, Songgon District. Most of the people who work as farmers produce gadung chips in order to support their living needs ahead of Eid.

Along the roadside in Derwono Hamlet, there are also gadung clotheslines or a type of tuber that grows a lot in the garden.. The gray clothesline spread along the side of the road. Not far from the gadung drying place, a number of housewives are seen chatting with their friends.

They look busy. Someone peeled, slicing, washing, and there is also one in front of the firebox. They are residents who are processing and producing gadung chips. The process of processing gadung into chips is not easy, need accuracy, foresight, and experience.

“The slightest mistake in cultivating it can be dangerous. Can cough (intoxicated by poisoning), headache and stomach ache," said Rupiah, 65, one of the gadung chip craftsmen. The tuber with the Latin name Dioscorea hispida is not like other tubers.

Apart from its unique shape, gadung tubers are also only harvested once a year. The leaves and stems of these plants are still not used for any needs. Different from cassava tubers, The leaves are used as a vegetable.

Gadung tubers do grow a lot in people's gardens. That is why, residents choose to use these plants into processed food products in the form of chips. “Can only be processed chips, others still can't,"explained the grandmother of the two grandchildren.

The process of processing gadung into chips begins with being washed and peeled first. Next, thinly sliced ​​tubers. To be efficient and not time consuming, Residents slice using a tool in the form of a wooden board with a knife.

The result is thinner and faster. After sliced, the gadung that is still producing the rubber is neutralized by sprinkling rubbing ash and salt. If it is uneven and the sap is still attached, can be fatal, which causes poisoning.

Therefore, At this stage, you have to be really careful, be patient, and not in a hurry. After the surface of the ivory is sprinkled with ash rub, dried in the sun. After completely dry, The gadung slices are placed in a sack and soaked overnight to remove the rubbing ash and gum that is still attached.

“During soaked, the water must flow. Can't hold back,He said. After soaking, the slices of gadung are drained and steamed until they are really cooked and tender. Don't stop there, Gadung still has to be washed again until clean and dried in the sun until it becomes like crackers.

Especially the second time drying is done in the coastal area. "If dried in the highlands, the anas is less, so you have to take it to a coastal area where the heat is scorching,"explained Rupi'ah. The process of making gadung chips does take quite a long time.

From the initial peeling process, slicing, to sunbathe a second time, a minimum of three days and three nights. It's not too much if the price of half-finished gadung chips currently reaches Rp 25 per kilogram (Kg). "Selling is still raw,Endah said, another gadung chip manufacturer.

Lantas, dried gadung chips in semi-finished condition packed in heavy sacks 35 kg. During this Ramadan can produce up to 35 kg in three days and three nights. The finished chips are ordered by many shops and consumers from various regions in Banyuwangi Regency, such as the District of Rogojampi, Rooftile, Singojuruh, Srono, Cluring, and Muncar.

Compared to last year, The production of gadung chips this year is relatively low. That's because gadung tubers are very minimal and cannot be harvested because they are still too young. So, The price of gadung chips is now more expensive than last year's Ramadan.

Even though different hands and different people make, When fried, the taste of gadung chips is made in Derwono, Balak, almost the same and very different from chips from outside the village. For residents of Derwono Hamlet, making gadung chips has become a tradition every Ramadan. Because it's a tradition, Derwono Hamlet is nicknamed the Gadung Chips Village.

“Gadung chips from Derwono are indeed famous throughout Banyuwangi. In the market, people who want to buy often ask the merchant first. If not Derwono chips sometimes they don't buy it, because it tastes different,”Balak Village Head toilet, Riot Santoso. (radar)