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Develop Creative Economy, Residents of Rejoagung Village Make Brown Sugar Snack Village

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BANYUWANGI – The various festivals held by the Banyuwangi Regency Government have apparently succeeded in encouraging Banyuwangi residents to develop the creative economy sector. One of them, Residents of Rejoagung Village, Srono District which has succeeded in making a culinary destination. Brown Sugar Snack Village, that's the name. The place was inaugurated directly by the Regent of Banyuwangi Abdullah Azwar Anas, Monday (15/10/2018).

“This is the idea directly from the local villagers, including the workmanship. I really appreciate. This shows that the community is aware of its potential. They then come up with an idea, pack it up, and the results are interesting,” Praise Anas in front of hundreds of villagers who attended the event.

The culinary village is located in Krajan Hamlet, Rejoagung Village, Srono . District. The place is quite interesting, located in the sengon and coconut plantation area in the middle of the village residents.

Various traditional snacks are sold here, especially those made from coconut sugar. Start from getuk, latuk cake, es dawet, klepon, utri, brown sugar cake, squid cake, ice with brown sugar, round cassava, fruit salad, until the brown sugar is sweet. Just understand, Rejoagung Village is one of the centers of brown sugar in Banyuwangi.

There is also a local village menu, i.e. sour salad served in young coconut shells. Don't miss it too, organic brown sugar as a local village superior product.

“This is an example of a good collaboration between the village and its people. By utilizing unproductive land belonging to one of the residents, This culinary village can bridge other residents to open businesses. I think this is good because it can grow the local economy, increase the circulation of money in the village. I hope other villages can emulate this concept,” said Anas.

Meanwhile, The Head of Srono Sub-district, Gatot Suyono, said that this Red Sugar Snack Village was initiated together with the villagers. So far, mothers who sell cakes when peddling in front of their home page.

“Finally, sparked the idea to make a culinary center in this village. They are all enthusiastic, because it is accommodated. Then we gotong royong to make this interesting place,” Gatot said.

Meanwhile, Head of Rejoagung Village Usnatun Sulasiatin added that he chose snacks made from brown sugar, because almost half of its citizens work as brown sugar producers. The brown sugar produced by this village has even entered the Bali to Surabaya market.

“Great potential, That's why we chose the theme of brown sugar snacks. Can increase the added value of the brown sugar economy. We guarantee, the sugar used here is organic brown sugar, without sulfite,” clear Usnatun.

This culinary village will be open every Saturday afternoon and Sunday starting at 15.00 WIB until 21.00 WIB. Special day, will be open from morning to night.