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The localization of sex workers is starting to stretch

PURWOHARJO-After a long time we haven't heard from him, a number of localizations of commercial sex workers (prostitute) start squirming again. The prostitutes have now started to return to localization to work again. A number of localizations for prostitutes are now starting to become popular again, such as the localization of Turian prostitutes in Karetan Village, Purwoharjo District ; localization of Wonosobo prostitutes in Rejoagung Village, Srono . District; localization of Sumber Loh prostitutes in Benelan Kidul Village, Singojuruh District; and localization of the Desert in Karangbendo Village, Rogojampi Kecamatan District.

"But now it's quiet,” said Intan, 32, one of the prostitutes who hangs out at the Wonosobo prostitute localization, Rejoagung Village, Srono . District. The diamond who claimed to be from Blitar said:, in the localization where he hangs, The number of prostitutes is not as large as before the closure.

“Now it's the clock 9 night (21.00) it's all closed, because it's lonely, “he said. The localization of PSK is starting to get crowded, it is also seen in the Turian localization in Karetan Village, Purwoharjo District. At that place, a number of prostitutes from outside the area arrived.

“Guests are quiet because they are afraid of being raided,"explained Maya, 28, one of the prostitutes who claimed to be from Jember. Some of the prostitutes live in local areas. But, to avoid raids by enforcement officers, there are also those who live outside. Only certain hours, they came to wait for his customers.

“There are lots of friends too," he said. For the localization of Sumber Loh prostitutes in Benelan Kidul Village, Singojuruh District, it turns out there are many more. Although not as many as before the closure, But the biggest brothel in Gandrung City also seems to be starting to get busy again.

"Many guesthouses are empty,"said one of the pimps at the Sumberloh prostitute localization who refused to give his name. From 92 There are more guesthouses in the Sumber Loh localization, indeed many are empty. But, guesthouses that reopen and provide PSKs are also not few.

With minor makeup and minimal clothes, a number of prostitutes were seen sitting on the terrace of the guest house, flirting with every man who passed by. "Don't stop by, but,"said one of the female sex workers. (radar)

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