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Pedestrians hit by motorbikes in front of the Gladag Health Center

Members of the Satlantas Polsek Rogojampi when collecting data on victims of accidents that occurred on Jalan Raya Rogojampi, Wednesday (30/11). Jaenudin/

BANYUWANGIHITS.ID – Seorang pengendara sepeda motor menabrak pejalan kaki di depan Puskesmas Gladag Kecamatan Rogojampi.

The pedestrian accident occurred on Tuesday 29 November 2022 around the clock 22.45 WIB. The Head of the Rogojampi Sector Police, Ipda Dwi Samsul Akrianto, confirmed this incident.

The motorcycle that hit the pedestrian was the Honda Beat Nopol P-2857-SX. The identity of the motorist is in the name of Ahmad Mirza Labib (20), from the village of Krajan, Kedung Gebang Village, Tegaldlimo . District.

"The motorist suffered a torn wound on his upper lip and abrasions on both hands and feet,"said the Head of the Rogojampi Police Sector Unit.