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Regency Government Holds Elementary/MI Level Student Art Week in Banyuwangi

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BANYUWANGI – Guna memberikan kesempatan bagi para pelajar dalam mengeksplorasi bakat seninya, The Banyuwangi Regency Government held a Student Art Week (PSP) SD/MI level in Banyuwangi Regency.

This Student Art Week is a biennial event which is held during 2 day, Tuesday and Wednesday (12-13/3). The PSP event is entering its second year, having previously become one with Sports and Arts Week (Porcelain) in the year 2015.

PSP Opening Year 2018 it goes on quite simply, opened by the Head of the Department of Education (Dispendik) Banyuwangi Regency, Sulihtiyono, in the dispendik office hall.

There are six fields of art that are contested in PSP this time. That is, traditional music competition, choir, dance creations, theater, samroh and sculpture competition.

Art week competitions are held in different places, namely the Samroh competition held at the Peringgitan Office of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar), music and dance competition at the Cultural Arts Building (Gesibu) Blambangan, theater and choir competitions at the dispendik office. Meanwhile, the sculpture competition was held at Blambangan Park, on Tuesday (13/3) followed 25 children from various elementary schools in 25 districts.

The average grade V elementary school children, make sculptures according to the theme, history and culture of Banyuwangi. One of them is the barong statue, King Tawangalun to a pair of paju dancers. When making sculptures they look fun and enjoy, like a skilled artist.

One of them, Timoer Surya Alam. The student at SDN I Setail looked serious in making the barong statue. Winner of the sub-district level sculpture competition, very detailed in making sculptures from plasticine because he admits that they have to be good and look like the original.

“This activity is an annual event that is always held to find talented young talents and young people in the arts,said the Head of the Banyuwangi Education Office, Sulihtiyono.

"Through this art week, hopefully will give birth to the seeds of great generations who excel in the field of fine art of music, department, sculpture and theatrical arts,” he added.

The achievements of these children will not only make them proud, but can be capital and provision to achieve their goals.

The government also said Sulihtiyono, So far, it has provided scholarships for children who excel in the arts, especially those who have won awards at the regional and national levels. They are given the opportunity to continue their education up to university with government scholarships.

"Until now, there have been several outstanding students in the arts field funded by the government,said Sulihtiyono.

He explained, This event can also be said as a place for creativity in the field of art at the elementary school level. With this art week, hopefully the children are not only able to succeed at school and in their own environment, but it needs to be honed ability with other students, so that performance can be further increased.

This art week was attended by at least 2.500 students from 25 districts in the Banyuwangi region. Each district sends 100 students to compete in the arts.

"The target of this biennial event is to find the best champion who can later represent Banyuwangi competing in the art week at the East Java provincial level,said Sulihtiyono.

At the East Java art week, Banyuwangi has succeeded in making proud achievements several times.

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