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No Permission Pocket, Excavation C Klatak Still Desperate to Operate

Dozens of trucks line up along the unlicensed C excavation area located in the Klatakan Environment, Klatak Village, Kalipuro
Dozens of trucks line up along the unlicensed C excavation area located in the Klatakan Environment, Klatak Village, Kalipuro.

KALIPURO – Illegal stone and sand mining is still rampant. Although it has not yet obtained a permit from the East Java Provincial Government,, Mining entrepreneurs are desperate to operate heavy equipment to dredge sand and rock.

As seen in the excavation area C of Klatak Village, Kalipuro District yesterday. The mine started its activities seven years ago. strange, even though it's been a long time, Mining activities are safe from the firm's actions. even though, other mines that do not have a permit are immediately sealed.

Java Post Radar Banyuwangi monitoring yesterday, Dozens of dump trucks and excavators are busy dredging sand and rocks. The mining material was sent to Banyuwangi. Some are also sent to Bali.

The terrible one, until now the hole in the mine has a depth of approx 40 meter. There are as many as seven excavators operating in the mining area as well as dozens of dump trucks lining up along the sand mining area.

According to local residents, the mine belongs to Ponimin, 60, Glenmore. The C mine has been closed several times by officers, but the owner still operates the sand mine, Uruk land, and the stone.

Head of local RT Ahmad Darwin, 50, say, if the C excavation which is right behind the house is very disturbing the activities of the residents. Because it is prone to landslides and also has the potential for erosion when rainwater comes. "Actually, residents do not agree with the existence of the mining because it is close to the village". Moreover, there have been victims who have been run over and those victims are also my citizens,"said Darwin.

Apart from mining activities, crusher machine noise (stone crusher) It also disturbs residents' rest. Because sometimes the sand mining activity is carried out until late at night.

Until now more and more trucks are lining up to get the sand in the C excavation. Not only trucks from Banyuwangi, there are also many dam trucks from Bali. "Many people take sand there. There are no local people working in the mine,"said Darwin.

In one day almost 100 rit pasir, Uruk land, and stones taken by dump trucks. For every sand rite sent to the Banyuwangi area, it is priced at Rp 450 thousand to 550 thousand. As for one unit of sand truck dam sent to the island of Bali, the price is Rp 600 thousand to 700 thousand.

Apart from destroying the environment, the former illegal mining was abandoned without any land renewal process. The former excavation C, which is no longer operating, has only become a ravine with a depth of almost 40 meter. Therefore, The mine, which is located close to the village residents, is very prone to landslides and floods.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Civil Service Police Unit (Head of Police Headquarters) Banyuwangi Edy Supriyono confirmed the C excavation in the Klatakan neighborhood, Klatak Village, it doesn't have official permission. It is just, His party admitted that they did not know that the C excavation had been operating for a long time.