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Kabat Residents Find Rat Eagle

BKSDA officers are caring for a rat eagle that still looks weak in the Mirah Fantasi animal park, Klatak Village, Kalipuro District, yesterday afternoon (13/10).
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BKSDA officers are caring for a rat eagle that still looks weak in the Mirah Fantasi animal park, Klatak Village, Kalipuro District, yesterday afternoon (13/10).

KALIPURO – Elang tikus (Blue elk) found limp by Shon Haji, 45, residents of Pakistaji Village, District of Kabat. The six-month-old eagle was then handed over to the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) Banyuwangi area, yesterday afternoon (13/10).

Originally Shon, who was working in the rice fields, suddenly his head was hit by a white object. Because he was curious about the object that attacked him, Shon finally had the courage to look for the object that had fallen in the bushes.

“Saya cari di semak-semak ternyata burung elang yang tidak bisa terbang lalu saya bawa pulang,” ucap Shon. Because he was afraid that the eagle would die, Shon finally contacted the Banyuwangi BKSDA to hand it over. That afternoon the Banyuwangi BKSDA picked up the poor rat eagle.

“Setelah mendapatkan laporan dari warga, we went straight to the location where the eagle was caught,” ujar Kepala Resort Wilayah V BKSDA Banyuwangi Vivi Primayati.

When submitted, The eagle was limp and emaciated. When physically examined, there were no wounds on the body of the endemic Javanese eagle. “Setelah diserahkan oleh warga, We are keeping the rat eagle in captivity at the Mirah Fantasia Animal Park until its condition recovers,” papar Vivi.

Meanwhile, because the eagle's physical condition is still weak and doesn't want to eat, The Banyuwangi BKSDA took the initiative to bring in a veterinarian to check the condition of this endangered animal.

According to observations by the Banyuwangi BKSDA, It was previously strongly suspected that the rat eagle had been kept and locked in a cage. “Sambil menunggu dokter hewan datang, Meanwhile, we are forcing the eagle to eat. The eagle is very tame and is thought to have previously interacted with humans,” tandas Vivi. (radar)

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