OTHER THAN Michael, there are still many citizens of Chinese descent who work in the government. Among them is dr. Juwana Sujuswa Njatasaputra. everyday, he is the Head of Family Health Development at the Banyuwangi Health Service. the wife, dr. from Liastu, as well as civil servants (civil servant). Liastutitik works as an associate doctor at the Sobo Health Center. There is also dr. Harijanto Winarko.
Male birth year 1962 is now working at the Blambangan Hospital. As a medical doctor, he posted in the public poly section of the state-owned hospital. "I entered civil servants this year 1990. The first service in Probolinggo Regency. New in year 2000, I work at Blambangan Hospital,'' said the father of two children. As a native of Banyuwangi, he wants to devote all his abilities to the welfare of the people of Bumi Blambangan.
Harijanto understands very well the condition of Banyuwangi because elementary to high school education was completed in the City of Gandrung. “We agree that the health sector will receive serious attention,'' said the alumnus of General Medicine, University of Brawijaya Malang. As a doctor, Harijanto's busy schedule is quite dense. Morning to noon, he served in Blambangan Hospital. Another busy life, in the morning 05.00-08.00, he opened a practice at Jalan Attorney General Suprapto, Banyuwangi.
Practically Harijanto's afternoon break was only two or two hours. because, o'clock 16.00 fall pukul 21.00, he has to serve patients who seek treatment at the practice. That's how busy it is, average in a day handle 50 patient. ”As a doctor, We will continue to prioritize service,'' said the doctor who has a hobby as a photographer. (radar)