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Bad weather, Rare Fish, Prices also soared

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Denika shows fish being sold at the stall in front of her house in Bulusari Hamlet, Grajagan village, Purwoharjo District, Tuesday (21/12). (Shulhan Hadi/

Price of sea fish, now sky high. Fish are difficult to catch because it's in the desert, and the weather often rains heavily, making fishermen reluctant to go to sea, Tuesday (21/12).

One of the fish traders, Denika, 30, from Bulusari Hamlet, Grajagan village, Purwoharjo District, said that in recent days fish have been hard to come by. And it, making prices expensive. “Mernying is usually Rp. 10 thousand per kilogram, now Rp. 25 thousand per kilogram," he explained.

Several types of fish are sold, light him, You have to buy it whole and it's quite expensive. Barracuda fish which costs Rp 30 thousand per kilogram, must buy whole. “This makes buyers think about buying fish, This kind of fish cannot be bought in half,He said.

Coastal Fishing Harbor Installation Coordinator (IP3) Grajagan, Purwoharjo District, Supriyono said fish were rare because most fishermen chose not to go to sea. The reason, The weather is often quite heavy rain and strong winds. “Most of the fish are caught," he said.

Fish from fishing, it's clear, of course there are not many. And it, causing fish prices to rise. “The fish that were caught were coral fish, not schooling fish,"he said to Jawa Pos Radar Genteng.

The IP3 Pancer Coordinator conveyed the same thing, Sumberagung Village, Kecamatan Pesanggaran, Heru Prasetyo. Currently fish in the area are also rare. That's because it was moonlight and the weather was bad. “Now no fishermen dare to go to sea," he said.

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