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Wind Shield, Charming Waterfall in the Middle of a Dense Pine Forest

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Becoming a Hiding Place for Skipping School Students

NEED to ask twice before Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi (JP-RaBa) managed to find the location of Kedung Angin which was hidden among the dense pine trees, Pack Village, Licin District, the.

First, ask one of the stall owners who immediately sends them to the east end of the village. Second, asked the school children who happened to be heading to the same location. Originally, Curiosity arose when I saw several posts on Facebook social media.

In that post, many high school-aged children took selfies at a waterfall surrounded by rocks. Curiosity, Finally, JP-RaBa wants to see first hand how interesting the places that are widely exhibited on social media are.

After passing through the road according to the stall owner's directions, we finally found a trail going downhill which was a bit muddy due to the rest of the rain. About a kilometer and a half down the road that looks like a dirt bike track, looks like an arrangement of rocks flowing with water in the middle.

Then the stream falls and forms a waterfall below it. The Kedung Angin waterfall that was told by the school children turned out to be quite interesting. Many large stones line the water holes at the top of the waterfall.

Before the water falls to the bottom, First the water passes through three stone steps. Behind the flow of the waterfall there is an elongated stone with alternating colors which at first glance resembles the Sikoi dragon agate motif which is famous for its golden fracture color..

Most of the visitors are school children. Some of them prefer to stand above the waterfall and take pictures on the rocks. Because from above, the ranks of the rocks that look very interesting. A few others gathered around the waterfall to play guitar and bathe in the middle of the Niche that was under the waterfall.

With pine and durian trees that surround most of the waterfall from upstream to downstream, Kedung Angin's atmosphere seemed very suitable as a hiding place. Although the flowing water is not as clear as the water in Kalibendo or Lider Waterfall, but that doesn't reduce the freshness of the water in Kedung Angin.

Dear, those who come to the place on average are school students who play truant. They deliberately went to a remote place so that they would not be easily found. Which makes sad, some of them brought liquor which was placed in plastic bags.

“It's common here to be used by skipping school kids, no male no female. If reminded even angry, so let it go,” Ratna said, a resident from the White Tiger Village, who claimed to frequent the place.

The name of the Windswept, according to Rafah, 55, one of the locals, been around a long time. He did not know for sure why the name was used as the name of the waterfall. As far as the water that flows to Kedung Angin comes from Kedung Pertapan, all this time metaphysics practitioners have often used to meditate..

Possibly named Kedung Angin because the flow of the waterfall is similar to the flow of the wind. "The name has been around for a long time. It is often used in the bath, but according to the people here, that place is almost as sacred as Kedung Pertapan,” said Rofah.

Apart from the stories that cover Kedung Angin, The waterfall is an interesting natural tourist attraction to visit. The calm atmosphere can be a location for relaxation and for a moment away from the noise of city life.

The location is quite far from residential areas, vacationing there will not be disturbed by the activities of the population. Occasionally the typical birds of pine trees perch and move to the rocks around the waterfall. The condition around the kedung still looks clean and beautiful. There isn't too much trash scattered about as is usually found in several tourist attractions in Banyuwangi. (radar)