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Leaving Home During 10 Day, Old Man 50 Year Found Lifeless Under a Mangrove Tree

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Process of Evacuating the Body of Alm. Survivor Found Dead Under a Clump of Mangrove Trees, Saturday (20/11). Jaenudin/

Old male corpse 50 The year found by the fishermen of Tratas Hamlet, Kedungringin Village, Muncar District, Banyuwangi, East Java, in a prone position under a Mangrove Tree, Saturday (20/11/21).

Because it is already in a state of decay, presumably the corpse had died since 4 days ago.

When confirmed, the Muncar Police Chief Kompol Zainuri regarding the discovery of the body was correct, after being examined by the Kedungrejo Health Center, Bhabinkamtibmas, Babinsa, and Pemdes, the body is a resident of Dusun Tratas RT 03 RW 04, Kedungringin Village, Muncar District, named Selamet.

"Selamet's body was found by fishermen who were repairing the boat around one in the afternoon,"explained Kompol Zainuri.

Still the Muncar Police Chief, from the testimony of the witness, the chronology of the discovery of the body began when Budiasih, who was repairing the boat, felt a stomach ache.

He also defecated under a grove of mangrove trees, but he was shocked to see the body in a prone condition. Budiasih directly coordinated with the hamlet head, and three pillars.

"When the TKP was reviewed with the Kedungrejo Health Center and an external physical examination was carried out on the body. No signs of violence were found, ” stressed the top leadership of the Muncar Police.

Meanwhile, from family information, deceased already 10 days of leaving home and depression from a lot of debt.

"Because the family has accepted, and make a statement, The body was immediately taken to the funeral home for burial, "said the Muncar Police Chief. (DIN / DIK)

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