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Six Police 45 Ribu Pil Trex dan 15 Gram Sabu dariPilot” Drugs

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BANYUWANGI – Indra Purniawan alias Wawan (37), seorang pria peranjau narkoba atau biasa disebutPilotditangkap tim Satuan Narkoba Polres Banyuwangi. Dari tangan pria asal Dusun Sempu, Sarimulyo Desa Village, Kecamatan Cluring tersebut, polisi menyita puluhan ribu pil trex dan belasan gram narkotika jenis sabu.

Wawan ditangkap petugas di rumahnya. Awalnya petugas mendapatkan informasi dari masyarakat. Penggerebekanpun dilakukan ke rumah pelaku. Tanpa kesulitan berarti tersangka berhasil ditangkap.

From the hands of the suspect, petugas menemukan 45 bungkus pil trex. Tiap bungkus berisi seribu butir pil trex. Sehingga total keseluruhan sebanyak 45 ribu butir pil trex. Besides that, petugas juga menemukan 11 paket narkotika jenis sabu dengan berat 15,13 gram, sebuah bong yang masih terdapat pipet kaca, timbangan elektrik dan korek api gas.

Banyuwangi Police Chief AKBP Donny Adityawarman stated:, from the results of the examination, The suspect is a confidant of a methamphetamine dealer. The suspect plays the role of “pilot”. His job is to distribute methamphetamine and Trex pills with a mine system. The dealer who is the boss gives orders over the phone.

“He will send (drugs) as ordered from the phone,” he said wednesday (9/5/18) afternoon.

Every time mine drugs, the suspect received a salary of Rp 50 thousand from the city. His party claimed to have pocketed the name of the city that was the boss of the suspect, Wawan. “Currently still in pursuit of members of the Narcotics Unit, I hope you get caught soon,” strictly.

To take responsibility for his actions, Suspect charged with multiple articles. In the Trex pill case he was charged with 197 sub article 196 law number 36 year 2009 about health. For the case of possession of methamphetamine, he was charged with Article 114 verse (1) sub Article 112 verse (1) law number 35 year 2009 about Narcotics.

Kami masih melakukan pengembangan untuk mencari pelaku lain yang terkait,” he concluded.