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Cluring Police Raid Localization of Gempol Porong PSK

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Polisi memeriksa wisma di Lokalisasi PSK Gempol Porong di Dusun Kalirejo, Kaliploso Village, Cluring District, yesterday (18/5).

CLURING – Anggota Polsek Cluring menertibkan lokalisasi penjaja seks komersial (prostitute) Gempol Porong di Dusun Kalirejo, Kaliploso Village, Cluring District, Banyuwangi Regency, Friday (18/5/2018) yesterday.

sadly, the operation seems to have leaked. When the police came at approx 08.30 until 09.00, the place of prostitution that had been very crowded was suddenly deserted. Tidak satu pun dari PSK yang mangkal di tempat tersebut.

“Penggerebekan kita lakukan karena ada laporan warga sekitar,” said Police Chief Cluring, Inspector Bedjo Madrias.

Kapolsek menyebut laporan warga lokalisasi itu masih beroperasi. So, anggota langsung meluncur ke lokasi. But, upon arrival at the localization it turned out to be empty. “Localization is quiet, I think someone leaked us here,” he said.

During that operation, light him, para pemilik rumah atau mucikari dikumpulkan di tempat parkir. Next, they are given guidance so that they do not carry out their activities. “All house owners and pimps we give coaching,” he said.

According to the police chief, lokalisasi PSK Gempol Porong itu dihuni sekitar 20 head of family (KK). Rumah ataupun tanah yang ditempati itu tanah pribadi yang memiliki sertifikat. “Semua rumah ini memiliki sertifikat yang sah, jadi kita sedikit susah menertibkannya,” he said.

This operation was performed, he continued, untuk mengantisipasi tindak pidana kejahatan selama bulan Suci Ramadan. “Akan terus kita lakukan operasi selama bulan suci Ramadan,” threatened.

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