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Hard, Banner Rejecting Gold Mine Expansion Installed in Mount Salakan Area

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PUBLIKBANYUWANGI.COM – Yellow banner that says “We Residents Strictly Reject the Expansion of the Mount Salakan Mining Concession & Surrounding, When the Company Forced to Enter Mount Salakan & Our surroundings are ready to risk our lives, Mount Salakan Dead Price” This morning it appears to be installed in two locations under Mount Salakan in the Pancer Hamlet area, Pesanggaran Village, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, Wednesday (02/02/2022).


Narto, one of the local residents said, if the two banners are reactions and attitudes of residents who continue to try to reject the expansion of gold mining in their territory.

“Residents have agreed that Mount Tumpangpitu, which has already been mined, please spend it, but don't let Mount Salakan also want to be mined, can destroy our natural environment later, ” he said.

Still said Narto, there is a plan 22 Another banner that will be installed along the Lowi T-junction until it reaches the front of the residents' struggle tent.

“Next week residents will re-install 22 banners along the road from the Lowi T-junction to in front of the masons' struggle tent, ” he concluded.

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