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Alas Malang Flood Victims Receive Expired Milk Aid

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BANYUWANGI – Food aid packages from the Social Service (Social Service) Banyuwangi Regency, for victims of the mud flood disaster in Alasmalang Village, Singojuruh District, there was canned milk inside which turned out to be expired.

Information on the scene, assistance given Wednesday (16/5/2018) then, Total 30 The residents only found out about the package when they were about to drink the aid milk.

“Waktu mau diminum lihat tanggal kadaluarsanya sudah lewat. So don't drink it,” terang Septi Holis, one of the beneficiaries of the aid package.

Meanwhile, Head of Bangunrejo Hamlet, Heru Susanto, whose citizens receive the most package assistance from Social Service, confirmed that the milk package in the package was on average expired.

It says from 14 packets received by its citizens there 12 whose milk is expired. “Saya dikasih tahu kalau susunya kadaluarsa dan langsung saya ambil dan laporkan ke Desa," he said.

Haru explained, in accordance with the order of the Social Service, At the moment, all the milk assistance received by residents has been withdrawn, “Semua susu sudah ditarik dan diganti dengan yang baru," he concluded.

Meanwhile, when contacted by the media, Head of disaster management for the Social Service of Banyuwangi Regency, Ripai said, that the expired milk that had been distributed among the victims of the flash floods had been replaced.

”Ada 30 canned milk, At that time, we didn't know that the milk was expired because we didn't check it, the milk was last year's fourth quarter stock, but now we have replaced it with new canned milk," he said.

Ripai added that if something happened to residents who had already consumed the expired milk, the Social Service would still be responsible.

“Kita (Social Service) will still be responsible for coordinating with the Health Service later.” he concluded.

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