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Razia Kos-kosan, Banyuwangi Satpol PP Secures Dozens of Teens

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BANYUWANGI – Civil service police Unit (PP Satpol) Banyuwangi, East Java, carry out raids on boarding houses, Friday (21/12/2018) night.

Boarding raids are intended to minimize and reduce the number of juvenile delinquents during the school's long holiday season, netting officer 14 adolescents who do not carry or do not yet have an e-KTP identity. From 14 the teenager, there was a young couple who were caught doing lewd acts in the guest room.

“Raids were carried out in 6 point around the city of Banyuwangi. Not until 2 hours we got 14 teenagers, one pair caught together (nasty). Because the information to us on average are still children,” said the Head of Satpol PP Banyuwangi Regency Anacleto Da Silva at the Satpol PP office, Jum’at (21/12/2018) night.

Anacleto added, to the six points, located in the Village of Carpenters, A room, Kertosari, Banyuwangi District. In this area it is known that officers are boarding houses that can be free of occupants.

Apart from controlling the occupants of the boarding house, continued Anacleto, this is also to collect data on boarding house business owners.

“We will also foster boarding house owners through the Camat or Lurah, so we hope that the owner of the cost can apply the existing rules. Sanctions if necessary,” he explained.

Meanwhile, for a couple of lovers who are students and caught in the boarding house raid, coaching will be carried out and subject to minor criminal sanctions (thin).

“The sanctions that we apply to them are in addition to coaching, because of their age above 17 year,” added Anacleto.

He added, the average of the teenagers who were netted in boarding house raids were victims of dropping out of school due to juvenile delinquency.

“There are tattoos on his body and other mischief, until he was expelled from school. This is a pity,” he said.