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Seize the girl's cell phone, Man from Aliyan Arrested by Police

Siswanto while at the Sempu Police Headquarters
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Siswanto while at the Sempu Police Headquarters

BANYUWANGI - Siswanto (30) He didn't move when he was arrested by the police after stealing his cellphone (HP) owned by Nurul Novianti (13) residents of Klontang Hamlet, Gendoh Village, Sempu Kecamatan District, Friday (17/11/2017) around 13.00 WIB.

The robbery began when the victim took shelter in a hut in Njanjukan Hamlet, Karangsari Village, Sempu and his friend Tiara.

Seeing the victim carrying a cellphone, The perpetrator is known to come from Damrejo Hamlet, Aliyan Village, Rogojampi District, immediately seized them and fled towards Genteng. The shocked victim immediately shouted for help.

Nah, At that time, the police immediately gave chase and succeeded in arresting the perpetrator south of the Genteng Wetan animal market, Tile District.

Saat itu sempat terjadi tarik menarik antar korban dan pelaku. Karena pelaku lebih kuat akhirnya pelaku berhasil memenangkan perebutan itu dan berhasil kabur. Kami yang saat itu sedang melakukan patroli rutin, mendengar hal itu langsung melakukan pengejaran dan berhasil menangkap pelaku di sebuah gang buntu yang berada di selatan Pasar hewan Genteng Wetan,” said Sempu IPDA Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head Didik Suhendik.

From the hands of the perpetrator, the police managed to confiscate 1 unit hand phone merk Xiomi Redmi 4 dan satu unit sepeda motor yang saat itu digunakan pelaku. “Pelaku mengaku nekat melakukan itu karena didesak masalah ekonomi untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari,” he said.

Saat ini pelaku masih menjalani pemeriksaan di Mapolsek Sempu. Atas perbutanya pelaku akan dijerat dengan pasal 365 with the maximum penalty 9 tahum penjara.