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Before Picking the Sea, Many Fishermen Decorate Ships

Fishermen at Dudun Palurejo, Tembokrejo Village, Muncar District paints and decorates boats for picking the sea, yesterday (29/9)
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Fishermen at Dudun Palurejo, Tembokrejo Village, Muncar District paints and decorates boats for picking the sea, yesterday (29/9)

MUNCAR – Untuk menyemarakkan upacara petik laut yang akan digelar pada Kamis (5/10), the fishermen on the coast of Muncar Beach began to decorate the boats and ships that were used to go out to sea yesterday (29/9).

Most of the fishermen deliberately do not go to sea, also many who paint boats and ships. Various accessories on display, including adding a sound system. “Setiap petik laut kapal harus tampak baru, because of the new year and new spirit,” cetus Sugeng, 43, one of the fishermen who lives on the coast of Satellite, Hamlet Palurejo, Tembokrejo Village, Muncar District.

It's not only the fishermen who are busy preparing for the picking sea ritual ceremony, the committee also began to prepare the offerings that would be prohibited in the picking the sea ritual. The gitik offerings are made of wood that resembles a fishing boat. “Gilik sesaji dibuat secara swadaya dan habis Rp. 1 million more,He said.

Tap the finished offering, later it will be filled with a number of offerings ranging from agricultural products such as vegetables, crops, fruits, bumpy, and its kind. “Juga ada kepala sapi yang diberi kail dari emas cetus,” Asbullah, 41, other Muncar fishermen.

Asbullah said, Gitik offerings when picking the sea will be taken to the port, where sea picking is carried out. In port, there will also be a grand remembrance, orphan compensation, and the khataman of the Koran. "After being prayed for, the offerings were floated out to sea," he said, (radar)

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