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Go fishing, Wongsorejo Fisherman Found Drowned

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Officers after evacuating victims (Photo :

Suhairi, fisherman from the village of Kebunrejo, Alasrejo Village, Wongsorejo District, Banyuwangi, East Java found dead while fishing in the waters of Bumirejo, local district. old man 47 this year he was found dead drowned right under a fiber jukung with an engine capacity 25 Pk, Monday (03/01/2022) around o'clock 09.00 WIB.

Commissioner Jeni Al Jauza SH MH confirmed the marine accident, according to him before the victim was found dead on Sunday (02/01/2022) around o'clock 16.00 WIB went fishing with witness Ahmad (50) Alasrejo Villager, Lamsidi (45) Sumberkencono Village residents, and Suwito (53) from the village of Alasrejo.

At the Scene of Things (crime scene) Monday (03/01/2020) around o'clock 02.00 WIB, Suwito, the victim's brother, was awakened by witness Ahmad, his colleague who used another jukung. After waking up, This witness has not seen the victim on the jukung. Because of that, Suwito immediately looks for victims.

Around 09.00 WIB, the victim was found under the jukung at a depth of approx 70 meters from sea level. Coinciding with that discovery, The victim's footwear caught Lasmidi's fishing line. At that time, the victim was immediately evacuated and taken to the funeral home. Before being buried, the medical officer of the Wongsorejo Community Health Center underwent a post-mortem examination.

"The victim has been buried", The results of the medical examination of the victim have a history of epilepsy,"explained Commissioner Jeni Al Jauza SH MH.

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