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Farmer, Students, Until fishermen salute the flag

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SONGGON – Momen kemerdekaan RI ke-71 digelar di sejumlah daerah di Tanah Air kemarin. Farmer, Students, trader, and fishermen, attended the Independence Day ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia. Even, plantation workers in Pasar Hamlet, Sumberarum Village, Songgon District, Join the flag salute at the independence ceremony.

The ceremony was attended by civilians living on the slopes of Mount Raung. Start with the farmers, laborer, fern finder, to vegetable traders, participated in the ceremony which was held in the yard of the resident's house.

Even, children also marched at the moment of the ceremony. Interesting, Every citizen wears clothes according to his daily work. It means, they do not use special uniforms like the ceremony.

It was very touching when grandparents and grandparents looked solemnly at the independence ceremony. The ceremony was greeted with joy by local residents. Even, as one of them, they have never felt a ceremony in their entire life.

“Yes, this is the first time I have experienced a flag ceremony,” said Saijah, an old grandmother 80 year. Meanwhile, the independence ceremony was also held on Tabuhan Island. On Tabuhan Island, Independence Day activities started on Tuesday (16/8) night.

There are fishermen, student, and volunteers, do reflections. They also do camping on an island with an area of 5,5 the hectare. Not only that, after the ceremony is over, other activities, like last time 71 hatchlings and transplants 71 Coral reefs, also carried out around Tabuhan Island.

"There are more or less participants 300 person. Releasing hatchlings and transplanting is a real work implementation for fishermen,said Ikhwan Arief, the head of the Samudera Bakti Group. Apart from Tabuhan Island, Independence ceremonies are also performed on other beaches, at Klopoan Beach, Bangsring Village.

Banyuwangi Satpolair personnel, fisherman, and fishermen perform a ceremony at that location. The ceremony led by Kasatpolair AKP Subandi also looked solemn. Apart from the beach, flag ceremonies are also performed under the sea in the Bali Strait.

This time it was State Vessel personnel who carried out the flag ceremony (KN) Grantin P211 who is currently on patrol in the Bali Strait. In depth 17 as many meters 17 KN Grantin personnel joined the ceremony. "More or less 10 the minute we managed to raise the Red and White flag under the sea and observe a moment of silence together. Hopefully Indonesia will be more victorious,” emphasized Captain KN Grantin, Moh. Lawyer.

There was something different about the 71st Indonesian Independence Day ceremony at Islamic boarding schools (Islamic boarding school) Miftahul Ulum, Swollen Village, Wongsorejo, yesterday. If usually the independence ceremony all participants wear trousers and dress neatly, not this year.

All male participants and ceremonial officers wear sarongs and songkok as the identity of the santri. The independence ceremony was carried out on time 06.30. The procession of the independence ceremony is almost the same as the usual ceremony. It's just that when the ceremonial supervisor conveyed the mandate after the Red-White flag flew yesterday, the cry of "Merdeka" uttered by the ceremony supervisor was answered simultaneously by all ceremony participants with the sentence takbir "Allahu Akbar".

Independence Day is also commemorated by the sulfur miners who live in the Mining Village, Hamlet of Kebundadap, Tamansari Village, Licin District. Around 50 Miners of various ages looked respectfully towards the Red-White flag that was hoisted in the middle of the clove and rubber plantations surrounding the site.

The Indonesian independence ceremony was also held at the Pokmas Mascot base camp, Kampung Ujung yesterday. Different from the ceremony in general, participants in this folk-style ceremony may wear any clothing without having to be formal or official.

Some are dressed like freedom fighters, community clothing, and some also wear everyday clothes. Ramang Rameli was left behind, the organizer of the folk ceremony said, The different sides of this ceremony are seen from the clothes worn.

Participants do not wear uniforms or official clothing, but wear the clothes they deserve. (radar)

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