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SBPE assessment, Implementation Visitation Assessor Team in Banyuwang…

Banyuwangi – Electronic-Based Government System assessment team (SPBE) carry out an assessment of the implementation of SPBE in Banyuwangi, Monday (27/11/2023). This visit is a follow-up assessment after the document assessment and interview stages.

The implementation of SPBE as a digital transformation effort aims to direct the development of electronic-based government and public services in order to create accountable government and quality services.. SPBE prioritizes increasing the effectiveness of the use of applications that are already operational, consolidate applications into an integrated digital platform both internally and between agencies, as well as data and application interoperability through the use of the SPBE Architecture.

The SPBE assessment team present in Banyuwangi consisted of university academics as external assessors, State Cyber ​​and Code Agency, and the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform.

Prof. Arif Imam Suroso from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) as an external assessor said, This visitation was carried out to carry out an 'evidence' assessment. “We have received the documents sent, we have conducted interviews online. So, this visitation is to ensure that what is stated in the document is appropriate or not implemented,said Arif.

There are four SPBE assessment domains consisting of the internal policy domain, governance domain, management domain and service domain.

Meanwhile, Banyuwangi Regent Ipuk Fiestiandani explained that the development of digital services in government was carried out on a community basis. Komitmen pemkab untuk terus melakukan evaluasi pelaksanaan SPBE agar terus terjadi perbaikan dalam implementasinya.

“Ini bukan sekedar ikut lomba mendapatkan nilai tertinggi, tetapi bagaimana kami pemerintah daerah dipotret penerapan SPBE-nya. Hasilnya akan menentukan langkah strategis upaya perbaikan," said Ipuk.

Dikatakan Ipuk, Presiden telah menetapkan Arsitektur SPBE Nasional melalui Perpres No. 132/2022. Hal itu menunjukkan pemerintah memiliki komitmen yang kuat untuk mengakselerasi implementasi integrasi penerapan SPBE untuk peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik.

“Dan kami yang di daerah, akan terus melakukan perbaikan sesuai kaidah yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah pusat," he concluded. (*)
