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People with mental disorders are dominated by Gakin

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data GJSONGGON – It turns out that most of the residents suffering from mental disorders in Songgon District come from poor families (takin). They live with their families in limited conditions. Mental disorders are one of the Village Welfare Problems (PMKS).

Others, it is a physical disability, blind and neglected. "In Desa Bedewang (Songgon District), there it is 57 residents who enter PMKS,” said the Village Head (village head) Badewang, Bambang Sudarsono, through the Head of People's Welfare Affairs (Kaur kesra), Ghozali, 40.

According to Gozali, There are residents in Bedewang Village 6.400 souls scattered in five villages. Of that amount, adas 57 People who fall into the PMKS category range from mental disabilities (mental disorders), physical disability, blind, and abandoned.

“Everyone lives below the poverty line, clear. Gozali said, from 57 PMKS people, 34 people fall into the neglected category by living below the poverty line or in very poor households (RTSM) and decrepit.

Temporary 15 people with physical disabilities and blind people. The remaining eight people suffer from mental disorders. “Of the eight people who experienced mental disorders, three of them were treated in a mental hospital (RSJ) Smooth,” he said.

Meanwhile the rest, it's clear, still at their respective homes. They actually had to be taken to RSJ Licin to undergo treatment. “The room at RSJ Slippery is full, so that our residents are not accommodated, he said.

Meanwhile, Parangharjo Village Community Welfare Head, Licin District, Fathurohman. 47, admitted that in his village there were families experiencing mental disorders. Of that amount, two of them are considered quite severe. “Frequent tantrums,” he said, saying that almost all of his residents were from Gakin. (radar)