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MI students leave

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ANXIOUS: Victim's grandmother (left) showed a photo of Bella, and her father checked the SMS on her daughter's cell phone, yesterday (15/3).
Brought Blurred Facebook Contacts

PURWOHARJO – A warning to parents to keep an eye on their children. If careless, events like what Nabila Alvionita experienced, 12, can be repeated.

The boy who is still in class VI, an Ibtidaiah Madrasah (MI) in Purwoharjo District, he ran away from his house in Kaliboyo Hamlet, Kradenan Village, Purwoharjo District, since last Saturday (10/3). Strongly suspected, the little girl who is usually called Bella ran away with a man known through Facebook.

The information gathered by the journalists of this newspaper stated, Bella lives with Sriyani every day, 50, his grandmother. Because, his parents, namely husband and wife (couple) Sabro, 40, and Rita Diana, 30, both work outside the area.

Sabrowi migrated to Bali, while Rita works as a female worker (TKW) in Taiwan. Among relatives, Bella is known as a quiet person. Apart from going to school, everyday he just stays at home fiddling with the laptop (laptop) or cellphone (HP).

“Bella tends to be introverted. He never told, what he experienced to me,Sriyani regretted when confirmed by RaBa at her house, yesterday (15/3). Sriyani added, Saturday after morning prayers, he saw Bella sitting in the living room chair watching television. Because his favorite grandson almost never wakes up under the beat 05.00, Sriyani was curious.

He asked why Bella was up at the clock 04.00. "At that time, is (Bella)
admitted that he couldn't sleep," he remembers. After that, Sriyani entered the room again.
Like being struck by lightning, when leaving the room at 04.30, the grandmother did not find her grandson in the living room or her room. Sriyani only found the television still on with a loud sound.

Apparently, Bella has left the house. "I don't know when he left the house. Because, Bella deliberately turned up the volume of the television. Maybe he did it on purpose so he wouldn't be heard when he opened the door,”Duganya. Sriyani was increasingly at a loss after looking around the house, but did not find Bella.

Fear of unwanted things happening, he then reported to the Purwoharjo Polsek officer. Sriyani also contacted Sabowi, who was then in Bali. According to Sabrowi, his beloved daughter left carrying a cellphone and laptop. The other cellphone was left at his house.

"When I checked, I found the SMS (short message service) subscribe from Facebook. Even three days after Bella's departure, there is still an incoming SMS from the subscribed Facebook number, that is 32665. “The contents, click to see Willy's photo on Facebook,said the long-haired man.

It was this finding that convinced the victim's family, Bella runs away from home with Willy. This was reinforced by the confessions of some of the victim's school friends, who admits that Bella often talks about having a boyfriend named Willy. He's old 24 years and lives in Pasuruan.

"From the call history on my daughter's cell phone, the last outgoing call he made was yes to Willy. I was really worried that something would happen to Bella. Because, to date (yesterday, Red) he didn't come home. His cell phone is also unreachable," Sabrowi explained.

Confirmed at his headquarters yesterday, Purwoharjo Police Chief, AKP Trijoko through the Aiptu Criminal Investigation Office Wiknyo Asmoro confirmed that he had received a report from the victim's family. "We are still conducting an investigation to uncover this case," he explained.

Wiknyo admitted that he had questioned several witnesses, including the victim's grandmother. "We will also explore Bella's school, to gather information from colleagues, especially those who know Bella's Facebook account. Because, based on the testimony of several witnesses, it is possible for the victim to leave without saying goodbye from home with his acquaintances on Facebook. So we will explore it further, to confirm this conjecture, " he explained. (radar)