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Police Successfully Arrest Suspected Perpetrator of Illegal Logging of Perhutani's Teak Wood

Police Successfully Arrest Suspected Perpetrator of Illegal Logging of Perhutani's Teak Wood
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The alleged perpetrator of illegal logging after being named a suspect by the Pesanggaran Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Wednesday (08/05). Photo : Special – Sector Police (police station) Violation, Banyuwangi Police, succeeded in apprehending the suspected perpetrator of illegal teak logging, General Road for Rice Fields in Rejoagung Hamlet, Sumberagung Village, Kecamatan Pesanggaran. Pesanggaran Police Chief AKP Lita Kurniawan conveyed this case to Journalists, Thursday (09/05/24).

"After we conducted an examination of the witnesses and the alleged perpetrator. Finally we named a suspect,said AKP Lita Kurniawan.

The suspect in the alleged illegal logging of teak wood in the South Banyuwangi KPH Perhutani area has the initials SP, Pancoran Environmental Resident, Banjarsari Village, Glagah District, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java. Determination of the suspect is based on the confession of the alleged perpetrator, as well as various pieces of evidence.

"Evidence from this case is eighty three pieces of teak wood, one truck with registration number P 9822 VG, and one Xiomi Note eight cellphone,” explained AKP Lita Kurniawan.

The disclosure of this case was based on a report from Sutaman, who is a Perhutani employee whose address is Mulyosari Hamlet., Pesanggaran Village/District.

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When Sutaman and his two friends, Nur Koiri and Budi, who are also Perhutani employees, saw a stolen truck. Until finally doing a follow-up and checking, until it was discovered that the truck had been carrying teak wood which was not equipped with valid documents and was suspected to be from the Perhutani KPH South Banyuwangi area..

"As a result of this case, it is estimated that Perhutani suffered Rp. 14.038.124,-"Added the Police Chief.

To be held accountable for his actions, the alleged perpetrator was charged under Article 83 verse 1 letter B Jo Article 12 guruf E UURI No 18 year 2013 About Preventing Forest Eradication. (DIN/YACHT)

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