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1.300 Uninhabitable House in Banyuwangi Renovated

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ID TEXT – district government Banyuwangi terus melanjutkan program bedah rumah tak layak huni melalui skema gotong royong banyak pihak. More than 1.300 rumah tidak layak huni warga Banyuwangi direnovasi pada tahun ini dengan dukungan pemerintah pusat, District government, village government to various other parties.

“Thank you to all parties who continue to work together, who are together, bergotong royong membantu warga Banyuwangi. Thank you Ministry of PUPR, DPR RI, dan DPRD Banyuwangi, and all parties who contributed,” said the Regent Banyuwangi Ipuk Fiestiandani, Wednesday (27/9/2023).

The Regent of Ipuk added that the stimulus assistance for house repairs was one of the efforts to improve the level of health and welfare of the community.

"This program does not just provide habitable houses. However, you must also pay attention to air circulation and clean water. I have asked the sub-district heads and village heads to oversee this so that people are not only comfortable but also healthier living in their new homes,” said Ipuk.

Ipuk mentioned, other than those sourced from local government, anggaran bedah rumah di Banyuwangi juga berasal pemerintah pusat dan gotong royong dengan berbagai pihak lainnya.

For example, self-help housing stimulant assistance program (BSPS) from the PUPR Ministry. This year, said Ipuk, Banyuwangi mendapatkan alokasi BSPS untuk 930 scattered housing units 17 districts.

Besides that, added Ipuk, The house renovation program also involved the village government. Through APBDes, has been budgeted for renovation of uninhabitable houses as much as 394.

“There is also a TMMD program, cooperation between district government and Kodim 0825. Thus, in total, This year's house renovation is targeted 1.352 house unit," said Ipuk.

One of the recipients of this assistance is Wagiyah (56), from Jajag Village, Gambiran District. Dalam acara penyerahan simbolis bantuan bedah rumah oleh Bupati Ipuk di Kantor Camat Gambiran (25 September 2023), Wagiyah admitted that she was touched because her house was immediately renovated by the district government.

Wagiyah received house renovation stimulus assistance from the district government by getting a stimulus of IDR 20 million for repairs to her house.

“Thank you, Madam Regent. I am happy that my house will be repaired," he said spontaneously to the Regent of Ipuk at that time.
