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BPOM Raids Traditional Herbal Medicine Factory

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MUNCAR, Jawa Pos Radar Tile – Food and Drug Supervisory Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPOM RI) again raided CV Putri Husada's traditional herbal medicine in Krajan Hamlet, Sumbersewu Village, Muncar District. There are tens of thousands of bottles of illegal traditional herbal medicine ready for distribution at the company, officers immediately arrested.

Head of BPOM RI Penny Kusumastuti Lukito with Dandim 0825 Lt. Col. Kav Eko Julianto Ramadan, Wakapolresta Banyuwangi Dewa Putu Darmawan, Head of the Banyuwangi Prosecutor's Office Suhardjono, and Secretary of Banyuwangi Mujiono, came to see the traditional jamu factory that was considered wayward that Monday (13/3). "In the year of 2015 and 2021 This herbal medicine product license has been withdrawn,” said the Head of BPOM RI Penny Kusumastuti Lukito.

Even though the license has been revoked, Penny said that the owner of this traditional herbal medicine is still determined to produce and distribute it illegally. "This license has been revoked, but still operating, that's why we raided," he said.

According to Penny, traditional herbal medicine produced by CV Putri Husada in Krajan Hamlet, Sumbersewu Village, Muncar District, This is herbal aches and health for the body. "There are various brands, there are leaf roots, Blinking bee, and King Sirandi,"he explained to Jawa Pos Radar Genteng.

Alumnus of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) it's also revealing, herbal medicine production location in Dusun Krajan, Sumbersewu Village was the first to be discovered when there were findings of illegal jamu distribution. “After investigating, apparently produced in this Banyuwangi," he said.

During the raid on Thursday (9/3), still said Penny, in this traditional herbal medicine factory is carrying out the production process. The workers seemed busy working to make jamu illegally. "When officers raided, many workers are making jamu," he said.

Besides in Dusun Krajan, Sumbersewu Village, Muncar District, BPOM is also doing development. Until finally, two traditional herbal medicine warehouses were found in Sumberjoyo Hamlet and Kumendung Hamlet/Village, Muncar District. for this case, BPOM has examined nine witnesses and asked for information from expert witnesses. "The process is still under investigation at BPOM, later a case will be held with Bareskrim Polri to determine the suspect,” he said.

In this raid, BPOM has secured one person suspected of being the owner with the initials SJO, and confiscated hundreds of thousands of bottles of medicinal herbs ready for distribution worth Rp 1,4 billion. "We confiscated all BB," he concluded.(gas/abi)
