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MUI Blusukan in the ex-Localization of Ringin Telu

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Localization Illustration

BANGOREJO – Banyuwangi Ulema Council (MUI) Banyuwangi Regency visits the former localization of commercial sex workers (prostitute) Ringintelu in Ringintelu village, Bangorejo District, Sunday (11/6).

That event, carried out for monitoring and evaluation after closing in 2012 then. The Banyuwangi MUI delegation was met by residents who lived in the former prostitution area, Bangorejo sub-district head, Educate Joko Suhono, and the Village Head Ringintelu, Dodik HS.

“This former localization has not operated for a long time,” said the Head of Didik. Ringintelu Village Head, Dodik HS, deliver since closed on 2012, the activities in the ex-localization have stopped. Residents who come from outside the area, all returned.

Medium for local residents, Currently, he has changed professions as a vegetable seller or becomes a construction worker. “PSK is back, if the owner of the house is a vegetable seller or construction work,” clear.

Dodik fully supports the closure of the localization of sex workers in his village. His side, also supports every project in the village involving local residents as their workforce. “When there is development, for those who can work, we will follow.

Besides that, it's clear, The former managers of the ex-localization groups have formed Pokmas and receive revolving capital funding support for business activities. “I made Pokmas, I give rotating funds for joint capital,” clear. (radar)